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The process of permanent hair removal, removing unwanted hair using an electroepilation de



DRINK WATER. Drink lots of water before, the day of, and the day after your appointment. It is very important to come to your appointment fully hydrated. Hydrated follicles will ensure a more effective treatment because electrolysis works by using the water content in the follicle. Dehydrated follicles are much more difficult to treat.

PAIN RELIEVER. Taking a pain reliever thirty minutes before your appointment will make your treatment more comfortable.  A topical anesthetic cream such as 4% lidocaine, BLT cream, or EMLA may also be applied to the area at least one hour prior to your appointment. A thick layer of anesthetic cream, no larger than the size of your palm, should be applied to the treatment area. Cover the treatment area with saran wrap to ensure maximum effectiveness of the product. Anesthetic creams can be found over the counter or by prescription from your health care provider.

SHOWER. Please be cautious to your electrologist and arrive showered prior to any electrolysis work. 

TRIM HAIR. Please trim (not shave) the area to be treated day of your appointment. This can easily be done with a pair of clippers.  If you decide to shave the area, be sure to do so a few days prior to your appointment, allowing enough hair growth for the tweezers to grab. Keeping the hair trimmed allows your electrologist easier access to the hair follicle, and making a more precise insertion, therefore, an easier more effective treatment.

AVOID. Avoid stimulants such as coffee day of your appointment.  This could make you more sensitive to pain. Some female clients have reported more sensitivity during their menstrual cycle and should avoid making appointments around that time. The higher your pain tolerance, the more effective your treatment will be. It is best to work as close to your pain threshold as possible for the most effective treatment.

AVOID SUN. Avoid sun exposure 48 hours prior to your treatment.  Doing so will dilate your blood vessels and will lengthen your recovery time.

AVOID RETINOIDS. Do not use Retin A, or any topical retinoid for at least 1 week prior to your electrolysis treatment. Accutane should be discontinued for at least 6 months prior to electrolysis. Having electrolysis services done while on retinoids could result in permanent pigment changes and scarring.

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DO NOT TOUCH. Bacteria is everywhere and on everything, so never touch the treated area unless hands are thoroughly washed.  Touching your skin with dirty hands will cause you to break out.

APPLY ANTIBIOTIC CREAM.   Only if needed, apply Bacitracin, Polysporin, or any antibiotic cream cream to the treated area the night of your treatment.  This can be applied with clean hands or cotton three times a day, for up to a week. These medicines are designed to kill bacteria on your skin and prevent infections from cuts and burns. This will help your skin heal even faster, especially facial areas.  Make sure to follow the recommended dosage on the label or ask your pharmacist.

DO NOT SCRATCH. It is normal for your skin to feel itchy a few days following your treatment.  This is inflammation and all part of the healing process. Resist the urge to scratch. You will create tiny cuts in the skin and bacteria from your nails will enter theses cuts causing a nasty skin infection.  Not to mention, causing more inflammation to the area which means more itching. If you are tempted to scratch, it is advised to take an antihistamine. If your skin is irritated apply a Hydrocortisone cream, Cortisone, Cortaid or anything with 1% hydrocortisone will work.  It is anti-inflammatory and will reduce redness, itching and swelling.  Make sure to follow the recommended dosage on the label or ask your pharmacist.

DO NOT PICK.  Picking at scabs can cause permanent scarring!!!  Light scabbing is a natural part of the healing process.  Scabs are lymph fluid that has drained from the treated hair follicle and has dried up at the surface.  If scabs appear, allow them to fall off on their own.  Never pick a scab off, as this could cause scarring.  Using an antibiotic cream on the area for a couple days after treatment will likely prevent scabs from forming.  Keeping the area moisturized will help prevent scabs from forming..

APPLY COLD COMPRESS. to reduce inflammation and swelling.  Using an Icepack on the treated area following treatment will reduce selling and inflammation.

If you experience discomfort while your skin is healing, using an Epsom salt compress will help alleviate symptoms.  Add one teaspoon of Epsom salt to half a cup of warm water.  Mix and apply the mixture with a clean washcloth for ten minutes at a time. This can be repeated until symptoms subside.

STAY OUT OF THE SUN.   Immediately after treatment, you must stay out of the sun to prevent abnormal pigmentation. An area that has been treated is extra sensitive to hyperpigmentation.  It is also very sensitive to heat.  Skin that has been treated by thermolysis is especially at risk because heat was used to release the hair.  Exposing treated skin to additional heat will cause treated skin to become sunburnt and inflamed.  Do not leave the house without using sunblock with a minimum of 15 SPF.

AVOID HOT TUBS, SAUNAS, AND POOLS. Avoid hot tubs and saunas in the first 48 hours. Your pores are open and can easily become infected.

DO NOT WORKOUT. Avoid exercising after your electrolysis appointment.  Excessive sweating can cause bacteria to enter open follicles causing a minor infection, resulting in a breakout.

NO MAKEUP.  Do not apply makeup for at least 24-48 hours after electrolysis. Your pores are open and can easily become infected.  It is okay to wear eye makeup, but no foundation or powder. Application brushes and sponges are full of bacteria that will cause you to break out.  Be sure to wash your application brushes with a proper antimicrobial cleanser prior to resuming your regular makeup routine 24-48 hours post treatment.

DO NOT SHAVE. Avoid shaving the area for at least 24-48 hours post treatment. This can cause microscopic cuts and scrapes allowing bacteria to enter the follicles causing infection. Shaving can also cause ingrown hairs to form.  Let the skin heal prior to shaving.

NO ASTRINGENTS.  Avoid any harsh products until skin is fully healed.  This includes perfumes, acne medications, astringents or anything with an alcohol base. These products will dry out your skin. Witch hazel is recommended to cleanse the skin and can be used as a tonor.

DO NOT TWEEZE OR PUCK.  Tweezing causes trauma inside the follicle, supplying follicle with a nutritious blood source resulting in deeper, thicker regrowth. Remember, some regrowth is to be expected

KEEP UP WITH A REGULAR TREATMENT SCHEDULE. Keeping on a regular electrolysis maintenance schedule is very important.  If you cannot make your scheduled appointment, clip, shave, or use a depilatory cream such as Nair to remove the hairs. Treating the new regrowth with Electrolysis as soon as it starts to appear, when the roots are not very deep and thick, will result in a more effective treatment. Fine hairs are much easier to treat that thick deep ones.  So be sure to maintain a regular treatment schedule!


At Hills Electrolysis, we do not treat any hair thats waist down. We do not treat bikini, genitals or legs.

Following areas are treated:

- Chin     
- Lip 
- Eyebrows
- Ears
- Neck
- Cheeks
- Breasts
- Back
​- Underarms
- Arms 
- Hands / Fingers
- Stomach
- Shoulders


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